Accessibility information
We welcome you whatever your accessibility needs and try our best to make sure the festival is accommodating for everyone. Our stewards will do all they can to ensure you enjoy the festival – please ask a steward or pop into the box office, if there’s anything we can do.
Accessible Camping
There are accessible camping pitches in a prime location (not bookable in advance but big enough to accommodate everyone) situated close to performance areas with accessible toilets and accessible showers.
Electric hook ups may be available for exceptional medical needs. Please email for consideration of your request. You can refer to the EHU Ts & Cs here.
Accessible e-bus shuttle

We’re lucky that our spacious festival site has enough room for several large stages so – after listening to your feedback – we’re introducing a free dedicated shuttle service to give people with mobility issues or others that might require a helping hand, to move between the main stages.
The shuttle service will run from Gate 3 and continue in a loop to Pengwern and Sabrina marquees as required. The pickup and drop off points will be clearly indicated by A-Board signs.
Operating times will be:
Friday 18.00 – midnight
Saturday and Sunday 11.30 – midnight
Monday 10.45 to 19.00.
Accessible Parking
There is designated accessible parking (free) for blue badge holders on site. If you have an access issue but do not have a blue badge, please speak to the stewards on arrival.
Accessibility Steward
Meet Sally, our dedicated Access Steward.
She’ll be based in our accessible camping area and will be there to answer all your queries and advise on any issues around accessibility.
Assistance dogs
Assistance dogs are very welcome at SFF – click here for more information.
Battery charging
If you bring your own mobility scooter or wheelchair and you need the battery charging just pop into the stewards’ office between 09:00-20:00 on Fri, Sat, Sun and up to 18:00 on Mon when all batteries must be collected. A donation to Hope House will be greatly appreciated.
Please be aware that we will do our level best to keep your equipment safe, but we can’t be held responsible for any loss or damage.
Carers tickets (weekend tickets only)
If you require a carer to attend the festival to assist you, then one carer’s ticket can be purchased in the same transaction. Carer’s tickets are £100 and are not tiered. To qualify, you need to be in receipt of one of these carer’s credits. Proof of eligibility will be required at the festival or the full price will be charged.
If they are camping, that will need to be purchased at the standard rate.
- Disability Living Allowance – middle or highest rate of the care component
- Attendance Allowance
- Constant Attendance Allowance
- Personal Independence Payment daily living part
- Armed Forces Independence Payment
- Child Disability Payment (CDP) middle or highest rate of the care component
Concessionary tickets (adult weekend tickets only)
Prices are tiered and like all other tickets, when they’re gone they’re gone. Please continue reading to find out if you qualify. Details below have changed since the previous festival.
- Concession tickets are for people aged 65+ (men & women), full time students, people claiming Universal Credit (UC), Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
- Customers requiring a carer may purchase a second weekend ticket at the concessionary price. Please provide proof of entitlement when you collect your tickets, or the full price will be charged.
- Proof of entitlement will be required when purchasing tickets during the festival weekend.
- Wristband colours will indicate if you are entitled to camp or not so please make sure you book the correct tickets. Camping is charged at the standard rate (£30 per person).
- Camping is only available with weekend tickets. Camping is not available as a stand-alone ticket or with day tickets.
Getting around
Most of the site is relatively flat and has tarmac roadways except the main stage field which is particularly uneven underfoot with no roadways. The West Mid Showground is an agricultural showground and is usually populated with livestock so expect dips and ruts in the grass. Concert stages are a long distance from each other to avoid sound bleed. If we have wet weather, the ground itself may become difficult to negotiate.
Medical waste
A yellow bin for the safe disposal of medical waste is in the accessible toilet adjacent to The Salopian Berwick Bar.
Radar Key
You may need a Radar Key to use the toilet and shower facilities; these can be hired from our onsite ticket office at £10 each.
Viewing areas
There will be a raised viewing platform at The Severn Stage for mobility scooters, wheelchair users, anyone with additional mobility needs and their partners. Space is limited so please only use it if you really need too. Other marquees have reserved accessible viewing spaces.
Wheelchair / mobility scooter hire
Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to find a hire provider this year. If you need an electric scooter or wheelchair to get around the festival, you will need to arrange this privately beforehand.